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Tax Planning Software for Tax Advisors

Our tax planning software is the first of its kind to offer multi-entity planning, with strategies at the federal and state level to help save your clients money. Whether you’re an accountant, financial advisor or tax attorney, the RTS platform is your comprehensive solution to help you do tax planning right.

Our team of tax planning experts has
scoured the tax code for the most common and effective tax planning strategies for:
  • Maximizing deductions 

  • Legal entity structures 

  • Retirement planning 

  • Insurance and asset protection

  • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) 

  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

  • Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)

  • Niche-specific strategies 

  • Advanced strategies 

  • International asset and gift freeze

  • Tax-advantaged wealth management

  • Exit and capital gains 

  • Current law vs. proposed tax policy

Learn How You Can Offer Tax Planning

Grow your firm with Redwood Tax Specialists.


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